Fiat-to-fiat currency conversion on Palremit
Palremit currently does not support direct fiat-to-fiat currency conversions. The platform allows you to:
- Convert fiat currency like Nigerian Naira (NGN) to cryptocurrency (e.g. NGN to USDT, BTC, ETH)
- Convert cryptocurrency back to fiat currency (e.g. USDT, BTC, ETH to NGN)
- Swap between supported cryptocurrencies (e.g. USDT to BTC or ETH)
However, Palremit is working on expanding its currency support to facilitate more fiat-to-fiat exchange options in the future.
For now, if you want to convert between fiat currencies on Palremit, you would first need to:
- Convert your fiat currency to a supported cryptocurrency (e.g., NGN to USDT)
- Then convert your cryptocurrency to your desired new fiat currency (e.g., USDT to USD or KES)
So in summary, while Palremit does not yet offer direct fiat-to-fiat conversions, you can work around this by converting to/from cryptocurrency as an intermediate step. We are looking to add more fiat currency options like EUROPEAN EURO in the future and make fiat-to-fiat currency conversions possible.